
Showing posts from March, 2020

Partial-Link Saturation Leads to Performance Degradation

Sub-saturating DDoS attacks cause network congestion and service degradation. This is especially important in a Carrier (Internet Service Provider or Hosting Provider) environment because 1) even small attacks can saturate a customer downstream, and we all know that in an always-on world, network reliability is crucial for subscribers, 2) DDoS traffic is costly to transit across the network, and 3) downtime impacts Service Level Agreements (SLAs). In the highly competitive Carrier arena, SLAs often promise optimum network reliability; the only way to guarantee that is by using an always-on, in-line DDoS mitigation appliance. Solutions for Effective DDoS Mitigation The fact is that legacy DDoS mitigation solutions, such as scrubbing, completely overlook the small, low-threshold attacks. Just because a DDoS attack is small doesn’t mean it isn’t a huge problem. It takes hackers only a few minutes to map a network, steal date, install malware, or discover your network vulnerabilities;...

What is a DDoS Attack? A Simple Definition

Since we’re all about making technical topics simple, let’s start with a basic answer to the question: What does DDoS mean (a.k.a. “What is a distributed denial of service attack”)? As mentioned above, a DDoS attack is a bit like a traffic jam on a website (but it’s intentionally caused by a hacker). Here’s a simple definition for the meaning of DDoS: A DDoS (distributed-denial-of-service) attack is when a hacker makes a website or other service inaccessible by flooding it with requests from many different devices. If you’ve also heard the term “DoS attack,” don’t let that confuse you. A DDoS attack is just a specific type of DoS (denial-of-service) attack — one that uses multiple computers/devices to attack with. How Does a DDoS Attack Work ? Just like a traffic jam floods a highway with more cars than it can handle, a DDoS attack floods a website with more requests (i.e. visitors) than the web server or other related systems can handle. Many hackers use botnets (a.k.a....

Finding a Solution Designed to Fight DDoS

There’s nothing wrong with firewalls, IDS, and IPS. These solutions perform their intended tasks effectively, preventing typical attempts at a breach and maintaining records of malicious signatures to prevent future attacks. However, DDoS attacks require special attention. what happens during a ddos attack ? As part of FirstLight Internet Services, we offer DDoS Protection and Mitigation that takes a preventive approach to fighting DDoS attacks. We monitor your network traffic 24/7, using sophisticated algorithms to detect potentially malicious traffic, including new and emerging threats. Our mitigation process lessens the impact of DDoS traffic, allowing legitimate traffic to proceed uninterrupted. Firewalls may seem to be an ideal defense against DDoS attacks. After all, firewalls are designed to keep suspicious network traffic from breaching the perimeter of company systems. The firewall filters incoming packets of information, checking to see if they meet specific criteria b...

How to prevent a DDoS?

Keeping yourself protected from DDoS attacks is something that is often easier said than done because of the fact cybercriminals will often stop at nothing to gain unauthorised access to private data, and many international brands such as Netflix, AirBnB, and Spotify have all become victims in the past. In spite of this, there are certain things that can be done in an effort to prevent a DDoS attack from occurring. Denial of service attack definition Firstly, you will need to make sure that any firewalls and routers are configured in the correct manner and applied with up-to-date security patches. Similarly, it’s also worth regularly checking for security updates for your Internet of Things (IoT) devices and adding a password where possible. This is because these devices have been increasingly targeted by hackers in recent years. Doing everything in your power to keep things up to date will ensure that any bogus traffic is promptly rejected during a process whereby network traff...

DDoS Mitigation Services Market 2020

Feb 27, 2020 (The Expresswire) -- The Connected DDoS Mitigation Services Market Size 2020 research report offers the complete analysis of the Connected DDoS Mitigation Services Market, covering an inside and out judgment of the Connected DDoS Mitigation Services Market state and the dynamic scene globally. This report separates the ability of Connected DDoS Mitigation Services Market in the existing and moreover the future forecasts from various edges in detail. Denial of serivce “DDoS Mitigation Services Market” 2020-2024 Research Report contains comprehensive industry information and changing DDoS Mitigation Services Industry trends that allows users to spot the pin-point analysis of the market along with revenue, development and profit during the DDoS Mitigation Services market forecast period. It offers complete study of DDoS Mitigation Services market by using SWOT analysis. The report also covers segment data, including: type segment, industry segment, channel segment etc. ...