Companies will reduce blocking to the cloud through hybrid and multicloud strategies

 Last year, the growing dominance of public clouds forced traditional enterprise computing companies to define their strategic focus on hybrid and multicloud clouds. In 2021, companies will be more concerned with the dependence on first-tier suppliers. IT professionals will look for hybrid and multicloud tools to reduce the risk of being tied to specific vendors. This is already a common tactic, considering that, according to Flexera's estimates, 93% of companies have a multicloud strategy and 87% have a hybrid cloud strategy.

In the future, the growing maturity of hybrid / multicloud offerings from AWS, Microsoft and Google will drive enterprise cloud managers to increase their spending with these providers. At the same time, private cloud firms IBM, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Cisco, Dell EMC, VMware and others will continue to strengthen their hybrid / multicloud integrations with dominant public cloud services to defend their share in the enterprise IT market.

A Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) Database Administrator installs and maintains Microsoft SQL Server, multidimensional databases and user accounts as well as ensures database availability, recovery, and reporting. They create and execute server automation scripts and monitor and resolve SQL server activity. 

However, this space is now a war of attrition. Hybrid cloud devices, such as AWS Outposts and Google Anthos, will not significantly increase the participation of these suppliers in their main public cloud market segments.


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