What is English proficiency for?

 English proficiency has many functions, but the main use of it is to prove your level of knowledge and fluency in the British language.

It is for you to know what level you are currently at, to  upgrade your curriculum and to apply for job openings in other countries. They are also important to successfully seal years of study in a foreign language or to provide masters and doctorate exams (even in Brazil).

In addition, they enable the certified person to teach, try a place at a foreign university, either for undergraduate or graduate courses (master's, doctorate, MBA or lato sensu courses) and even get a residence visa in certain countries. .

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In the professional approach, certification is highly regarded by both national and international companies. And it is certainly a decisive and natural selection factor among professionals with similar training, experience and performance, because those who are well evaluated in the tests are considered to be better prepared.

The most accepted proficiency exams by companies are the Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE), Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC), First Cambridge English (FCE) and Cambridge English: Business (BEC).

For university students, the most sought after are the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) - test of English as a foreign language, in free translation - and the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) - international system of English language testing , in free translation.

Read more: https://theaitechnology.blogspot.com/2021/04/what-are-english-proficiency-levels.html


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