Problems with the WAN port of the router, or network cable (connector)
It happens that the WAN port on the router fails, to which we connect the Internet. For example, after a thunderstorm . Or there is a damage to the network cable that goes into our house or apartment. Usually the contact in the connector itself disappears. And the router simply stops seeing the cable connected to the WAN port. I wrote about this in detail here: the router does not see the Internet cable. The WAN port is not working .
I have even met a situation more than once when the router does not react at all to the connection of a network cable to the WAN port (the indicator does not light up) , and at the same time, when the same cable is connected to the computer, the Internet works without problems. And if the reason is not in the port of the router itself (it works with a different cable) , then the problem can most likely be solved by re- crimping the provider's network cable . Or by replacing the cable (twisted pair) .
Computer networks are the basis of communication in IT. They are used in a huge variety of ways and can include many different types of network.
If the WAN port is out of order, then there is usually a repair, or the purchase of a new router. There are models where you can use a LAN instead of a WAN port. Or flash your router with some third-party firmware (DD-WRT, OpenWrt) , which has the ability to reassign the port. But this is already like that.
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